a couple of days ago there was a car crash outside my house. it was big, for santa clarita. there were three cars involved, seven people were injured, including one who was taken away by helicopter. this and two other events have been a big reminder of God's unlimited power, and a good reminder that He is always in control. two weeks ago, two kids from canyon high school passed away. neither of them knew the L0rd. what could i have done to help lead them to the Lord? what did i fail to do? i did not know either of them very well, but i could have been a better example of what Christ looks like, and what you choose to do with Jesus here on earth, determines the outcome of what happens after. this wreck kinda shook me up to the reality of life, even though no one got hurt (thank God!). i took some pictures, and i am no Christopher Morris or James Nachtwey, but i did my best. enjoy. James Nachtwey
im a new blogger. i have a flickr (flickr.com/photos/preston_r). i have a a twitter (http://twitter.com/Teachers_kid). so how hard could "big boy" blogging be? what should i talk about? do i talk about God? myself? others? hmmm i need help.
I am a young photographer, looking for people and things to shoot. I need criticism, tell me whats wrong with my photos. Email me so we can shoot some time.